Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a health disorder caused due to improper functioning of
the nervous system. The nervous system of the body fails to recognize its cells.
That prompts damage to the cells that protect the brain and spinal cord, thus
leading to abnormal functioning of the body. The effect of MS can cause
permanent disability or mild symptoms depending on severity and diagnosis

The early symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis appear in young age. It can be diagnosed
as early as in 20’s, 30’s and 40’s. The life expectancy of an MS patient reduces by
a few years. Some of these symptoms include:
problem walking
blurred vision
difficulty controlling the bladder
muscle stiffness
improper balance
difficulty concentrating
After diagnosis, medications can help treat or reduce these symptoms.
The actual cause of Multiple Sclerosis is unknown, but some studies prove that
women are three times more likely to experience it. It is not a heredity disease, so
family history does not play an essential role in diagnosis. Here are several factors
that might trigger MS:
Taking stress cannot just trigger MS but can also worsen the symptoms.
Avoid unnecessary stress to live a happy and healthy life.
Staying in the sunlight or often exposing yourself to high temperatures can lead to
MS by damaging the genetic material of cells. Wear light-coloured clothes and protect yourself from the heat.
Pregnancy can cause a relapse of MS in women.
Speak to your doctors to prevent MS after childbirth.
Vitamin D deficiency:
A deficiency of Vitamin D can also trigger MS. Take vitamin D supplements after
consulting your doctor.
Improper Sleep:
Lack of sleep can also induce MS symptoms. Make sure to give your body rest and
not reduce your sleeping time.
Speak to a nutritionist to make a healthy diet plan. Managing your diet can help
reduce MS symptoms.
Smoking can also induce MS symptoms.
Certain Medications:
Some medications and injections might trigger MS symptoms. Make sure you
inform your doctor about your MS diagnosis beforehand.
Visit your doctor if you notice any of the symptoms mentioned above. An early
diagnosis can help prevent severe damage and reduce symptoms. Taking the
above-mentioned preventive measures cannot just prevent MS but can also help in
leading a healthier life.